Notice of Vacancies

Following the resignation of Ray Verrall and Susan Wills the District Council has issued the following notices:

Notice of Vacancy – Ray Verrall and Susan Wills

Ray Verrall has been a member of the Parish Council for many years and served as the Chairman since 2007. We appreciate all the he has done for the community over the years taking the initiative in many parish council projects, taking part in village events with enthusiasm and supporting St Andrew’s Church and visiting older residents of the village. We wish Ray and his wife Diane all the very best. They will be greatly missed when they move away to be nearer their family.

Buckingham Palace Garden Party flower arrangement 2012
Buckingham Palace Garden Party flower arrangement 2012

Susan Wills has not been in the village for as long, but has also played a role in village life and the Parish Council appreciates her support over the last few years.

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