Churchyard Conservation


At the invitation of the Parish Council and Parochial Church Council (PCC), Norfolk Wildlife Trust carried out a wildflower survey of Churchyard in the spring of 2022. They were very impressed by the number and variety of the wildflowers and insects, and provided recommendations to help and improve the area.

With the support of the PCC, it was agreed to set up a Working Group of the Parish Council to help promote and protect the wildflowers in the Churchyard with the Clerk as the co-ordinator.  The first task was to strim of the long grass in October and remove the arisings to the far corner of the churchyard. Other tasks will be to record the flowers and wildlife, lists and images, perhaps with a display in the Church. Villagers were invited to join the Working Group.

October 2022

Little Snoring Churchyard before clearing October 2022

In October the Working Group made a start on the Churchyard. Although it was rather wet, a large area on the left of the path from the war memorial to the tower, a smaller area on the right of the path, the length of the path and along the south side of the Church was strimmed and cleared. The ivy from both the south and east walls was carefully removed. About 14 builders sacks of ‘grass’, two sacks of brambles and nettles, and a trug of ivy were piled up on a compost heap in the far right corner of the churchyard. A few days later a couple of volunteers completed the strimming of the grass on the right of the path and clearing the weeds in front of the south and east walls of the church.

Little Snoring Churchyard after clearing October 2022





Lt Sn Churchyard partly cleared October 2022

We hope to keep the area around the bench clear and tidy. A wild rose growing next to a gravestone to the left of the bench (as you look at it) has been saved. We thought perhaps we could plant some low maintenance plants here such as lavender and rosemary (suggestions welcome).




February 2023

Snowdrops in Little Snoring Churchyard February 2023
Red Deadnettle in the grass February 2023
Lesser Celandine below the east end of the church February 2023



Green leaves and grass at the base of the churchyard wall February 2023


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