Little Snoring Playground Questionnaire

A recent playground inspection report recommended that the Balance Beam and Stepping Logs should be repaired or removed as the wood is rotting. The Parish Council thinks that this is an opportunity to replace that equipment and would like to have your views.

Little Snoring Parish Council is hoping to add some new equipment to the play area on the Playing Field. Some ideas already put forward are for ‘proper’ swings, a roundabout and a slide. It would be great if we had the money to fulfil everyone’s wishes but we will probably only be able to purchase one or perhaps two items.

Please complete this short questionnaire to help the Parish Council decide what playground equipment to buy. The answers will also provide evidence to support an application for a grant from North Norfolk District Council’s Sustainable Communities Fund to help towards the cost of the project.

Please return by 30 June 2023. 

Copies of the questionnaire are being delivered with the newsletter in June or you can complete it online by using the following link: online questionnaire for playground . A pdf of the survey is available using the following link Lt Sn Playground Survey June 2023 or you can use this QR code to access the survey online:

QR code for playground survey in Little Snoring June 2023

Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire.

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